Acid Boy, Episode One

There's no greater feeling after hours of random internet surfing then finding an animated short that is both entertaining as well as inspiring. Such is the case with Sheharzad Arshad's short about a young boy whose unnatural condition makes him a hometown hero when a zombie outbreak threatens to destroy everything in Acid Boy.

Though I wish it were a little longer, Acid Boy is a good attempt to capture to feel of Arshad's comic strips where the concept of Acid Boy first emerged. There's a lot to be said in his seemingly innocent style of illustration (which wouldn't be out of place in a children's book) when juxtaposed to his rather adult-oriented narratives. It actually shares much in common with Tim Burton's Stain Boy in terms of sharing that sense of duplicity.

For more of Arshad's brand of juvenile mischief, check out his portfolio on DeviantArt.

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  1. Anonymous said...:

    This is amazing. I'm very inspired! Thanks for sharing this

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