But, alas, instincts just will not be denied. Within six weeks of leaving school I happened to catch a mouse in a trap.
Was fascinated by the subtle blend of greys that gave the contours of the tiny face, made a much enlarged watercolour painting of it and submitted that to the head of the great Birmingham Central School of Art who awarded me a three year scholarship.
Thus through a simple agency did a kindly Providence ease one O.R. (Old Rydalian) into his desired profession.
ABOUT THE HAPPY UNDERTAKER The Happy Undertaker is a "surrealistic melting pot of anything that might pop into my head and onto the page and does not necessarily need to be explained," says Kozjan. "I try to keep this sense of adventure, surprise and a good (if mysterious) story, with the best drawings I can muster in all my work from children's book illustration to single image." For more information on The Happy Undertaker or its creator, Drazen Kozjan, be sure to check out the official Happy Undertaker Blog in addition to his his personal blog, Hypnotik Eye. Artwork © Drazen Kozjan |
Although I do find distress at the thought of such a sweet mouse in his last throes in that trap, they look at least ten times bigger when they are stealing your cornflakes with teeth bared and that sinister look in those beady little eyes. Love the art work, you have encased him forever in canvas grays.