A monstrous mishmash of Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School and Groovie Goolies, Gravedale High (1990) starred actor Rick Moranis as a high school teacher, Max Schneider, who through some zany series of circumstances end up with a job at a school for monsters. Go figure.
As for the students themselves, each member of the main cast represents a specific collage of cultural stereotypes including representations of Winkler's Fonzie/Stoker's Dracula, Bart Simpson/Shelley's Monster, surfer dude/Fishman, a Peter Lorre-inspired fiend. There were, however, a few standout depictions of lesser known creeps like Medusa, Hunchback, The Fly, The Blob and even a questionable parody of John Merrick.
Created by David Kirschner (Child's Play, Hocus Pocus), the Hanna-Barbera produced series unfortunately only lasted 13 episodes and is now notoriously hard to find. With stellar voice casting that included actors like Johnathan Winters (Coach Cadaver), Tim Curry (Mr. Tutner), Jackie Earle Haley (Gill Waterman) and even Ricki Lake (Cleofatra) this completely baffles me. I guess it goes to show that, sometimes, you can keep a good ghoul down. Shame, really.
I remember enjoy this cartoon when I was younger. The only problem I did have with it was Rick Moranis. I remember enjoying the Teen Wolf cartoon way better though.