Summary: Discover The Italian Zombie movie by Thomas Berdinski, in this love letter to 70s and 80s Italian exploitation you'll find humor, gore and over 2 hours of zombie goodness. Check out the movie at Be there or be dead. Next, it's a guest review of a famous 80s classic by none other than Root Rot himself from
Aside from professional wrestling, [Rowdy] Roddy Piper has proven himself good at two things in life: kicking ass and chewing bubble gum. Unfortunately he does neither in the film Hell Comes to Frogtown. And really how could you go wrong with that? His name is Sam [freaking] Hell! Its not all bad, though, as there are fair glimpses of gratuitous nudity (thankfully not of Piper) present, but still. Where's the ridiculously overdone explosions, decapitations or eviscerations? Somebody needs to send Hell to Rambo boot camp, now there was a man who knew who to make you bleed.
Overall its not the worst movie I've ever seen, its even "spawned" a sequel or two which is enough to retain its cult classic status, but ultimately it fails to reach even the level of production that Howard the Duck achieved. Piper is essentially the same character as he portrayed in They Live, just with a weaker script, and skinny sexpot Sandahl Bergman (who just tries way too hard).
For a better overview of the plot, check out Wikipedia.
If you're a monster kid who never grew out of your adolescent love of B-movie flicks and genre toys, you'll be right at home surfing the Strange Kids Club blog. With sections dedicated to trailers, video games, wrestling, and cartoons, it's got a little something for everyone who's young or young at (black) heart.
Strange Kids Club provides a visual smorgasbord of art and animation devoted to horror, the fantastic, and the mischievous kid in all of us who still insists sugar-packed cereals are a major food source and better come with a toy or else.
Strange Kids Club is an awesome repository for pop culture nostalgia. Lots of images and video links and great articles on trailers, cartoons, movies and wrestling. Lots of fun and the design of the site is fantastic.
Strange Kids Club is a safe haven for all the geeky kids who got up super early on a Saturday morning to watch really good cartoons, who could sing The Hulksters theme song, and who stayed up late that night to catch horror programming and other assorted B movie fare. If you are one for nostalgia and were a child raised in the 80's, then Strange Kids Club should be your one stop shop for reliving those childhood memories.
I have literally become obsessed with Strange Kids Club. I can't get enough of what you're dishing out and every time I visit the site, I'm reminded of everything in this world that makes it worth experiencing.
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