Battle for Milkquarious

If you loved the Sexy Pilgrim, you'll love Battle for Milkquarious. Created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Battle for Milkquarious goes beyond the short 20-minute rock opera to become a completely immersive brand experience that has been carefully crafted as something more than a gimmicky promotional event. It's entertaining.

Though the campaign has been running for a couple months now, I never realized just exactly how much of an experience it was until today. From the film's Flash Gordon-inspired style and whimsical rock ballads to posters, ads and viral videos this campaign is madness with a message. There's even a hidden 8-bit style video game that you can unlock during the movie's title screen using the "Konami code." As an recreational gamer I'm not to familiar with the lore of gaming cheats, passwords and lingo and so I had to do some research on my own. Apparently, by entering the following sequence using the A, B and arrow keys will unlock the game:

So go forth and rock my mighty friends and may the milky magic of White Gold be with you.


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