All innuendos aside, horror films that cash in on the dark magic of Halloween are just about as overdone as wearing something green on St. Patrick's Day and, while most of these contrived efforts fall into the gluttonous deadzone of movie rentals shelves, there are a select few that live up to the name (most notably John Carpenter's classic Halloween).
Halloween Night (1988) is not one of those films. Though there's enough offerings of naked, nubile flesh and gratuitous use of gardening utensils as birth control to satisfy any self respecting horror film fan, the movie tends to bleed tangents of utter weirdness. Case in point, there's a scene near the beginning of the film where it cuts to a music video full of shrunken heads, green death lasers and a trident decapitation... you'll see what I mean.
There's also something about a satanic cult and pumpkin carving, but let's get down to brass tacks. If you're willing to watch a film like this with nothing but a six pack of PBR and a half eaten bag of last year's Halloween candy, then you're in it for the cheesy effects, corny dialogue and creative death scenes which thankfully there's a generous amount of each. If you're feeling frisky, or just need something new for the fright night lineup, this may be just what the mortician ordered... at least for the 5 minutes you're away taking a crap between Halloween (1978) and Halloween 2 (1981).
Nice post! But I have to disagree with this quote "... horror films that cash in on the dark magic of Halloween are just about as overdone as wearing something green on St. Patrick's Day..."
See I don't think there are ENOUGH horror films based around the Halloween holiday... um... said the Halloween Addict.
Of the few that are out there, most are crap. Like this film wonderful film you've profiled which sounds awful but I STILL need to find and watch. Just to say I did.
Really the only GOOD Halloween based films are Carpenter's Halloween and Trick 'r Treat (last year's... not the one with Skippy from Family Ties).
Prove me wrong. Please! I beg of you!